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Example of CV: Billing and Payroll specialist

XXXX is a successful and one of the fastest growing Ukrainian IT company providing complex software development services to a number of well-known international companies is currently seeking for energetic and highly motivated to learn candidate to fill in the position of Billing & Payroll Specialist.

Billing & Payroll Specialist is a member of Billing & Payroll Team within Finance Department at XXXX, primarily responsible for administrating various types of remuneration and preparation of invoices to clients.

The position involves regular communication with a number of stakeholders - company employees, contractors, managers and client representatives.

  • Process payroll run with the assistance of the corporate reporting & accounting system
  • Ensure complete and timely receipt of data on employee / contractor's time sheets, remuneration rates, bonuses, deductions, reimbursements, business trip reports in order to process payroll calculation in accurate and time efficient manner
  • Communicate with company employees and contractors on their requests and inquiries related to payroll information
  • Prepare and issue invoices to clients along with the supporting details
  • Research and resolve issues related to payroll and billing processes, communicate with the client representatives on invoice related issues
  • Update sales register for invoice details

  • BSc degree in Finance or Accounting;
  • 1+ years' experience in a similar role;
  • Good level of written and spoken English to work with contracts and conduct written communication with foreigners;
  • Excellent knowledge of MS Office (particularly Excel);
  • Upper-Intermediate/ Advanced level of English.
  • Strict attention to details, accuracy in tasks performing.

Source:  https://m.rabota.ua/vacancy/view/7492088


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Приклади визначення категорії, до якої належить підприємство (мікро-, мале, середнє, велике) відповідно до критеріїв, наведених у Законі України "Про бухгалтерський облік та фінансову звітність в Україні"

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Особливості підписання договорів

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